Monday, June 19, 2006

Spyware Doctor Update 3.0495

Spyware Doctor has been updated with new spyware definitions.

Latest Database Version: 3.0495 0
Intelli-Signatures: 61,447

Spyware Doctor protects your computer in 3 ways. First, it has the On guard monitor which watches places spyware will change your computer settings. By alerting you, Spyware Doctor gives you the option to not allow unwanted programs on your computer. Second, Spyware Doctor has a feature called Immunize that completely blocks known spyware from even installing. Third, spyware Doctor has a large detection database that removes spyware that has gotten onto your computer. I have used Spyware Doctor in tests against SpyAxe and SpyFalcon. It completely removed the those two. A restart of the computer and resetting my wallpaper was the hardest part.

A free scan is available from the Spyware Doctor Homepage:

New Intelli-Signatures:

3.0495 0 - Backdoor.CWD, Backdoor.Poebot.F, SpyPal
3.0494 0 - Backdoor.Agent.JN, Backdoor.Banger, LinkOptimizer, MG-Shadow Monitoring Software, Trojan.Dadobra.CP

Extended Intelli-Signatures:

3.0495 0 - Backdoor.Agobot, Backdoor.Banito, Backdoor.Bifrose.R, Backdoor.Bifrose, Backdoor.Netdevil, Backdoor.SpyBoter, Carpe Diem, Comedy Planet, Crystalysmedia Assistant, EliteBar, Email-Worm.Win32.Prox.B, eZula, Fast Video Player Dialer, HotBar, KeyKey2000 Professional Keylogger, Known Bad Sites, LinkMaker Hijacker, LockSky,, Marketscore Netsetter, Maxifiles, MediaTickets, PurityScan, SexDialer, SpyAxe, SurfSideKick, SystemDoctor, Trojan.BeastPWS.C, Trojan.Downloader.Agent.SY, Trojan.Downloader.Banload.BC, Trojan.Downloader.Harnig, Trojan.Downloader.Obscux, Trojan.Downloader.Small.AWA, Trojan.Downloader.Small.CAM, Trojan.Downloader.Small.CQB, Trojan.Dropper.Small.AEK, Trojan.Dumaru, Trojan.Emspy, Trojan.Popuper, Trojan.Proxy.Lager.f, Trojan.Proxy.Small.CT, Trojan.Spybot.GL, Trojan.Startpage.FH, Virtumonde

3.0494 0 - 180ad Solution,, AproposMedia, Backdoor.Bifrose, Backdoor.ProRAT.K, Backdoor.Sdbot.AAD, Derbiz, Dollarrevenue, IEFeats, Instant Access, Maxifiles, Rogue Anti-Spyware Products, SpywareSheriff, SurfSideKick, System Surveillance, SystemDoctor, Trojan.Agent.FG, Trojan.Downloader.Adload.I, Trojan.Downloader.Harnig, Trojan.Downloader.Monurl, Trojan.Downloader.Small.AWA, Trojan.FavAdd.AE, Trojan.Fivesec.A, Trojan.Popuper, Trojan.PSW.Cain, Trojan.Spy.Banker.AEW, Virtumonde, VX2.Host, VX2.Look2Me, WhenU.SaveNow

General Information:
Updates are posted 5 times per week on average.
Updates are installed by running Spyware Doctors' Smart Update feature.

