Spybot Search and Destroy Update
Spybot Search and Destroy has an update today, May 2nd,2006. Spybot Search and Destroy is a free antispyware program available from Safer-Networking.org.
Spybot can clean your computer of apyware, but it also offers several ways to prevent spyware from getting onto your computer. Spybot was the first program to offer an Immunize feature. What Immunize does is to prevent some types of spyware and adware from installing by adding settings in your computer to block them from installing. With this update, there are 4483 items that the Immunize feature targets. There is also a helper added to Internet Explorer that can block unwanted cookies and other minor threats. Last, there is a feature called Tea Timer that monitors changes on your computer that spyware is likely to change. Unlike the monitor that is included in other antispyware products like Spyware Doctor or Spy Sweeper, Tea Timer looks for things that are deleted from your computer. So if malware tries to delete your anti virus program from starting when Windows starts, you will be notified and can block it.
Spybot Search and Destroy is free because it is supported by volunteers. A donation is always welcomed to help keep it free. You can donate by going to the donation page at Safernetworking.
Spyware and other threats added in this update:
+ Lagos + AproposMedia + CoolWWWSearch.Feat2Installer + CoolWWWSearch.Service + CoolWWWSearch.Feat2DLL
+ Desktop Snooper + SpyArsenal.Family Keylogger
+ Win32.Delf.KD + Smitfraud-C. + SysProtect + SpyOnThis + Vcodec.eMedia + SpywareSheriff + Win32.Rbot.gen + Spy Sheriff
+ MalwareWipe
+ Windows.RedirectedHosts
+ SpyArsenal.AIM Logger + SpyArsenal.ICQ Logger + SpyArsenal.Yahoo Logger + SpyArsenal.IRC Logger + SpyArsenal.Personal Desktop Spy + SpyArsenal.Print Monitor Pro + SpyArsenal.Watcher + 180Solutions.SearchAssistant + Huntbar
+ BraveSentry + SpywareSheriff.FakeAlert + SpywareQuake.FakeAlert + Zlob.Downloader + Win32.Agent.xv + Win32.Small.aoi + Win32.AdvertMen + SpyiBlock + Dloader.WL1934
Total: 324662 fingerprints in 41627 rules for 1973 http://www.safer-networking.org/en/home/index.html
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